
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love and Other Stuff

So, I've been waiting all day to sit down and write - I mean, I had the WHOLE thing planned out from beginning to end. Just as I was sitting down to open up the computer, I just so happened to look at my phone. Want to know what true disappointment and heartbreak looks like? Just look at the face of a military wife who missed an opportunity to talk to their husband. The only opportunity they've had for a week... ON VALENTINES DAY. 

Yeah. That's my life.

So please excuse me while I type the rest of my post through tears. Because as it is in life - particularly Marine Corps life I've learned - it goes on. So, even though at 10:45 my heart dropped to my toes, and it still hasn't quite recovered yet, let's do this thing.


Today is Valentines Day, and unlike the 95% of the female population who pretend to hate it, I personally love it. Life is hard, and everyone is so busy all of the time. I feel like the world pushes everyone to move a million miles a minute. And yes, while we all love our significant others and all of the other people who make up our lives, sometimes life passes us by and we don't have a chance to say so.

I think Valentines Day is an important day, because it's one day out of the calendar year where you stop what you're doing and say, "Thank you for being in my life. I love you, and all that you bring to the table." Yes, we should say it every day. Do we? No.

What is there to hate about a day that is dedicated to love and cherishing the people in our lives? Nothing. 

Oh, and if you're lucky enough to spend today with your spouse/significant other and you're still going to sit there and pout - shame on you. Do you know what I would give to be able to be mushy and sentimental with my husband today? Don't take things for granted. People would kill to have what you have.

And if you still hate Valentines Day for reasons x, y, and z then fine - go ahead and be bitter and sullen. I'm going to sit here and eat my chocolates and cuddle my dog while looking through my wedding pictures, and staring at my flowers sitting in the corner. I'm going to be as mushy and sentimental as I can today, and I'll love every second of it. 

So today girls, do everyone a favor, and just admit that you love flowers, chocolates, and attention and let's all join in on this day long celebration of love <3


I went on a walk with Maggie Girl today :)

Whenever I got back to my house. This is what I found: 

Hubs has been in the field all week, and I haven't been able to even talk to him. So I honestly just expected this holiday would pass by just like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years did - yes, cue the pity party for myself.

So whenever I saw this I seriously just melted. No words for what this boy does to my heart. He knows how to spoil me and let me know how much he loves me, even in his absence. I am the most blessed girl in the entire world - and I thank God for this every single day.

What a man, what a man, what a man - what a mighty good man <3

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